If you want to have more money for anything you like, it is a good idea to discover your beliefs bout money.
Money is a big part of every success in life. Money is an enabler – the more money you have, the more successful you can be. For example, my son is very successful as a musician, no doubt due to his special talent, but without the money we spend to support his musical journey, he could have never reached this level of success.
For the technical aspects of handling money, you can find anything from budgeting software to free tax calculators that will help you make the most of your money.
But before you can manage your money wisely, you have to get it first. Searching for your own 100 beliefs about money is a good start in pointing yourself in the right direction for getting that money (or if you expect more of yourself, towards financial freedom).
The rules of wealth are as simple as this:
Your bank account is a clear reflection of what you think about money
This activity has two stages:
- Listing your current beliefs about money
- Change some of your beliefs about money to match those of wealthy people
It is important you are honest with yourself and write down even beliefs that might embarrass you, because you need to know where you are in order to change.
Your subconscious holds many beliefs about every aspect of your life, including money, and you rely on them to navigate through life.
Unfortunately, most people form their beliefs about money well before they earn any money, so they carry many outdated and ineffective beliefs about money into their adulthood. This is yet another perfect example of the power of the “self fulfilling prophecy”.
In life, you don’t get what you want. You get what you expect
How to find your beliefs about money
To help you find out what you think about money, use the following starters and complete the sentences as quickly as you can. The first thing that comes to your mind is your subconscious association, so write that down without trying to find a nicer one.
- Rich people are…
- Making money is…
- Money is…
- If I had lots of money, I would…
- Poor people can…
- Money and … do not go hand in hand.
- Rich people have more…
- Poor people look…
- Money doesn’t…
- I don’t have enough money because…
- If you want money, you have to…
- Wealthy people can…
- Poor people can’t…
- One problem of poor people is…
- Rich people can’t…..
- Being a millionaire is…
- Financially, I’d settle for …
- Financial freedom is…
- Good use of money is to…
- The problem with rich people is…
- If you want to be rich, you have to give up…
- Rich people are missing…
- Poor people are poor because…
- Rich people are rich because…
What are your current beliefs about money?
To help you complete your list, add one or two beliefs you have about the following topics (the more the better). Again, this list is yours and yours only. No one is going to look at it (unless you share it) and being honest with yourself is essential.
Remember, all the life areas examined here are enough to get you started. In my coaching sessions, changing a person’s mindset from not having enough money to being rich is sometimes as simple as changing 3-4 beliefs about money, but first we need to discover them.
- What do you think about money and luck?
- What do you think about being born rich?
- What do you think about morals and money?
- What do you think about caring and being wealthy?
- What do you think about the difference between being rich and being wealthy?
- What do you think about selfishness and money?
- What do you think about friendship and money?
- What do you think about family and money?
- What do you think about raising kids and money?
- What do you think about teaching kids money matters?
- What do you think about work and money?
- What do you think about lottery and richness?
- What do you think about how rich people think?
- What do you think about how poor people think?
- What do you think would be “enough money”?
- What do you think about what we need money for?
- What do you think about bank charges?
- What do you think about debt?
- What do you think about food and money?
- What do you think about loans?
- What do you think about investments?
- What do you think about saving?
- What do you think about business?
- What do you think about spending and money?
- What do you think about law and money?
- What do you think about tax and money?
- What do you think about honesty and money?
- What do you think about worries and money?
- What do you think about health and money?
Poor thoughts vs. wealthy thoughts
When your list is completed, rate it.
Sit down in a quiet place with your list. Imagine you received a huge work contract that guarantees you one million dollars every year. Feel the fun of the thought and then go over each of your statements. Having one million dollars every year, what will you think of each statement?
Is it a statement of poor people or is it a statement of wealthy people?
If it is a statement of poor people, deduct one point. If it is a statement of rich people, add one point. When you add up all the points, you have your wealth mindset score.
Now that you fully understand the correlation between beliefs about money and having money, move yourself to the next phase and make another list, “100 things I want to believe about money because I want to be wealthy”.
When your second list is finished, print it nicely and put it where you can see it clearly.
Then, make it a habit to read at least one of your new beliefs every day, say it out loud, share it with others and keep it in your mind until it becomes part of who you are.
Join me next week for “100 feelings I want to feel”.
To Infinity and beyond!
This post is part of the series Make a List:
- Make a list: List Making
- Make a list: About Myself
- Make a list: Friends and Friendships
- 100 Things I Want to Be, Do and Have in My Lifetime
- 100 Things that Make Me Happy
- Make a list: Childhood Memories
- How to Clean Away Resentment and Be Happy
- 100 Ways to Say “I Love You!”
- Make a list: What I like about me
- Make a list: Birthday Presents to Ask for
- Make a list: Improve My Life
- Make a list: Things to tell my parents
- Make a list: Beliefs about Money
- 100 Feelings I Want to Feel (and how to feel them)
- Make a list: If I Could Live Forever
- Make a list: Beliefs about Kids
- Make a list: Beliefs about Kids cont.
- Make a list: Events that Have Shaped Your Life
- Make a list: Ways to be kind
- Make a list: Be More Productive
- Make a list: Mistakes (and what I can learn from them)
- Make a list: Expectations
- Make a list: Beliefs about Traveling
- Make a list: Rules I Follow
- Make a list: Good Parenting Qualities
- Make a list: Excuses
- Make a list: Quotes to live by
- Make a list: How to use my time better
- If I Were Santa Claus
- What I Would Do If I Had One Year to Live
- 100 Things that Make Me Happy
- Make a list: Movies I loved
- Make a List: My Fears
- Make a List: Find your Happy-ism
- Make a List: Inspiring People
- Make a List: Books that have changed my life
- Make a list: Inspiring Movies
- Things to Be Grateful for
- Make a List: Ronit’s Gratitude Examples List
- Make a list: Life Lessons Learned
- Make a List: Self-Kindness
- Make a List: 100 Ways to Be Kind to Myself
- 100 Things I Want People to Think of Me
- Make a List: Judgment of Right from Wrong
- Make a List: 100 Reasons to Be Wealthy
- 100 Great Insights I Got from the Coronavirus
- How to Make Every Relationship You Want Good
- If I Only Knew: How to Learn from the Past
- Happy, Healthy, Successful Life Formula: Knowing vs. Doing