Being wealthy is more than counting the money you have in your bank account. It is a mindset. In the last chapter of Happily Wealthy Family, I shared many of the negative beliefs we often have about money. By identifying these beliefs, you can do your best to replace them with positive beliefs about money.
Here is a list of 100 positive beliefs about money, wealth, investing and rich people. Reading them does not mean you adopt them automatically. Find the ones you do believe in and make sure to hang them up in a place you can read every day.
If you find other positive beliefs about money you want to adopt, find a story, a situation, or a person you know that is proof that this belief is valid.
For example, I had a belief that you have to be born rich to be rich. I wanted to believe that everyone could be rich. I knew a guy (who was my dad’s boss) who was very wealthy but was born to a very very poor family. With the help of this story, “Everyone can be rich!” is now one of my positive beliefs about money.
100 Positive Beliefs about Money
- There is enough money in the world for everyone. If the money were divided equally between the entire world’s residents, each of us would get 3 million dollars.
- I have 3 million dollar in the world-bank. I need to take it or others will.
- Rich people get rich because they are good investors.
- Rich people get rich because they see opportunities where others see obstacles.
- Rich people are in a better position to give to others.
- Making money is fun.
Money brings calmness and spare time.- Rich people are smart.
- Any time is a good time to make money.
- I am very good with money.
- Money can’t buy love but it can buy lots of great time with my loved ones.
- I am a money magnet.
- I am a very good investor.
- I am comfortable asking for payment for my service.
- Rich people are better than others at making money.
- Being poor is hard work.
- Money is a reward for the value I give others.
- Rich people can afford to be more generous.
- If I want to make a difference to the world I need to be a rich person.
- The best way to make a difference is to be rich and employ many people and support their whole families.
- I am learning about money every day.
- It is more stressful to be poor than to be rich.
- I would rather have rich people’s problems.
I love money and money loves me.- Even in tough times, people can make money.
- If only rare people are rich, I want to be that rare person.
- A cent and another cent and another cent will make me a millionaire.
- I am aware of every cent that comes out of my pocket.
- I enjoy using money to buy me pleasure and fun.
- I always have money.
- As long as I have a roof over my head, I am not poor.
- Money is a magnifier.
- It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
- I am happy with what I have and I want more.
- I can be wealthy and modest.
- My parents will be happy for me when I earn lots of money. It means they did a good job in teaching me money management.
- I can learn anything I need about money.
- With money, I can increase my health with good doctors, good trainer, good coaches.
- Being rich is easy.
- Making money is easy
- I give value to others with my unique skills and my wealth grows accordingly.
- Everyone can be successful and have money
- I accept the abundance in life through gratitude.
- Being kind to others is a great source of money making.
- Using money brings me joy and happiness.
- It feels great to have money.
- I am so proud of myself for being rich.
- I give myself permission to buy myself things that make me happy.
- I allow myself to dream about life and the abundance that I create with my money.
- There is plenty of money out there and it is coming to me every day.
- I always do my best.
- I invest wisely and carefully.
- I earn money as much as I need.
- I admire and appreciate rich people.
- I learn from rich people.
- I allow myself to enjoy life.
- I open my arms wide for the abundance of the world.
- I am creative.
- I deserve to be happy, healthy, wealthy and successful.
- I am special and unique and can contribute much to the world around me.
- I am able to create the life I want for me and my family.
- The more money I have the more I can give to charity.
- Every day, I build my financial future for me and my family.
- The more money I have the more time I can buy with it.
I am happy, healthy and wealthy.- If I am rich, I set a better example for my kids.
- I am open to the opportunities around me. I see opportunities everywhere.
- I attract the right people to my life.
- I am prosperous and happy.
- I save money every day.
- I allow money to work for me.
- Money is freedom.
- I am well paid. I am worthy of my salary.
- I am the best at my job and I give value to others.
- Rich people are generous. I am generous.
- I attract all good things into my life.
- I am grateful for the comfort and joy that money brings me.
- I am wealthy.
- I believe I have endless possibilities.
- I am rich.
- I think positively about money and my attitude attracts money into my life.
- I am successful.
- I bring love, passion and compassion to everything I do.
- I deserve money, happiness, health and wealth.
- I build streams of passive income.
- I enjoy my financial freedom.
- I am financially secure.
- I focus and work on my goals every day.
- I honor and value myself, my abilities and skills and others do the same.
- I manage my money successfully with care and wisdom.
- I am courageous with money.
- If I lose money, I make sure I do not lose the lesson that comes with it. When I lose money, I gain much wisdom.
- I love hanging around wealthy people.
- For every cent that leaves my wallet, two cents come back.
- I trust that every day will help me progress in my successful quest of making money and enjoying it.
- I trust that money will come to me.
- Money is everywhere.
- I believe in myself and my ability to make and save lots of money.
- I move towards my financial freedom every day. I am dedicated to growing my wealth and increasing my joy in life.
- I love money.
I hope you have some of these positive beliefs about money and I promise that the more positive beliefs you have, the more money you will have in your bank account.
Remember, if you have bad thoughts about money, money will run away from you. Good thoughts bring the money towards you.
Wishing you healthy and wealthy beliefs!