Affirmations (continued)
This is another set of self-motivating affirmation ideas to add on to the list from Motivating Kids (13). Use them to gently implant positive, empowering thoughts in your kids’ minds and to build their identities as confident and happy people for life.
- I am not the way I look. My looks are just external. When I feel good, I look good, so I dedicate my time to feeling good.
- Kids’ bothers a lot with the way they look. Tell them they look great! You can always find something nice to say – their smile, their hair, the way they hold their head, their eyelashes…
- Talk to your kids about successful people who do not look like everyone else (they may be fat or short, they may wear glasses, etc) to separate success from looks.
- Talk to your kids about the difference between magazine photos and reality.
- Encourage your kids to take care of their body but link it to health.
- I appreciate my family for all that they have done and still do for me.
- Talk to your kids about the value of family.
- Let your kids watch movies about family values.
- Spend time with families that share the same values you would like to encourage.
- Work on your relationship with your parents and siblings to be a role model for family values.
- I can do anything I put my mind to.
- I can make a difference in this world.
- Teach your kids how simple things (like turning off the tap or the light) can make a difference in the world.
- Donate to charity.
- Bring movies and books about people winning against all odds.
- Tell your kids stories about you succeeding against all odds.
- I know how to listen. When I listen, I show others that I care.
- Start by listening to your kids.
- Teach your kids to count to 10 before saying things in anger.
- Have family meetings at dinnertime and encourage everyone to listen to each other.
- Friends are attracted to kindness. When I am kind, I have kind friends.
- Sharing with others makes me feel good and makes them feel good too.
- When I help others, I feel good.
- I am a supportive friend. I encourage my friends to do their best.
- Others decide if they like me by what I say and how I say it. I am mindful of what I say and how I say it.
- Every day is the first day of the rest of my life. I cherish every day of my life and look forward to a better, brighter future.
- Teach your kids to look forward. The simple act of looking up will get them started (that is the way the brain is “wired”).
- Pay attention to how your talk. When you blame, justify and analyze the past, you are looking backwards. Look up…
- When your kids face difficulties, be with them and help them move on.
- Help your kids imagine a brighter future. Sometimes, they cannot do this themselves. Tell them, “I can imagine you…”
- I think for myself. I know that in every situation, I have a choice. I know that smart choices are choices that are good for me and that do not hurt anyone, including myself.
- Teaching kids to think for themselves is not easy, because it might mean they might disagree with you, but it is well worth the risk!
- When you need to make up your mind, ask your kids for advice. This will help them think for themselves.
- When this does not put them at risk, encourage your kids to think differently.
- Tell your kids they are unique and special any time you get a chance.
- Teach your kids to question authority (gently…).
- Actions speak louder than words. I do not wait for things to happen to me. I do all I can to make them happen the way I want them to. I am a person of action. I move forward with my actions.
- Life is a learning journey. I learn something every day.
- If I do not know something, I can always learn.
- At the end of every day, ask your kids, “What have you learned today?”
- Make sure your kids separate school learning from personal growth.
- Tell your kids about things you have learned every day.
- Once a year, encourage your kids to write “100 things I have learned in my life” (start with 10 and work your way up to 100 with age).
- Share your life’s lessons with your kids and write your own list.
- I am being polite when I wait for my turn and say “please” and “thank you”.
- Say “please” when you ask anyone (including your kids) for something, even if it is just passing the salt.
- Say “thank you” when anyone does something for you, even if it is just passing the salt.
- Everyone makes mistakes, so instead of getting angry with myself, I try to do a bit better every time.
- Smiling is contagious. I smile at everyone. I smile at the bus driver, at my teachers and at people on the street. When I smile, others smile back and the world becomes a happier place.
- I never ever hurt myself. I take good care of my body and my mind.
- There are some things that are important to me and I do not compromise on them to gain others’ love and attention.
- Talk to your kids about what is important to them.
- Talk to your kids about peer pressure.
- Pay attention to your own actions that show you are under peer pressure, such as lifestyle decisions (car, decorations, clothes) and social “obligations”.
- When I start something, I finish it.
- If I stop and think before I do things. I know I will do the right thing. I know what the right thing is. I only need to follow my heart.
- I am a person of integrity. When I promise to do something, I do it (as long as I do not hurt myself or others).
- When I share what I have with others, I have more of it.
- I always take care of myself and when offered to take part in illegal things, I am confident enough to say “No”.
- I do not take what is not mine. I respect other’s rights and property.
- Teaching honesty and integrity takes time and effort and most of all a good example. Be a role model – never take what is not yours.
- Never look at your kids’ stuff without permission.
- Reward your kids for returning what is not theirs.
More affirmations and tips next week.
Inspired parenting,
This post is part of the series Motivating Kids:
- Motivating Kids (1)
- Motivating Kids (2)
- Motivating Kids (3)
- Motivating Kids (4)
- Motivating Kids (5)
- Motivating Kids (6)
- Motivating Kids (7)
- Motivating Kids (8)
- Motivating Kids (9)
- Motivating Kids (10)
- Motivating Kids (11)
- Motivating Kids (12)
- Motivating Kids (13)
- Motivating Kids (14)
- Motivating Kids (15)
- Motivating Kids (16)
- Motivating Kids (17)
- Motivating Kids (18)
- Motivating Kids (19)
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