From time to time, being so involved with parents and parenting, people send us stories and video clips about special parents who truly go above and beyond what most people would do for their kids. It makes me wonder about what parents are made of.
Imagine you are in the delivery room, having your baby boy. You are overjoyed, until the doctor examines him. You already know something is not right and then you hear this, “I’m terribly sorry, but your son was born with no eyes and with a certain debilitating problem in the joints that will make his movements very limited”.
If you are feeling the urge to get up and run for your life, away from the enormous burden of dependence, struggle and hopelessness, please stop for the next 6 minutes and see how a special pair of parents, especially the father, have handled such a fate and turned it around into the most inspiring story of dedication and triumph over the odds.
When you are done watching, please continue reading below.
It takes character to keep going without even knowing there is a gift. There is always a gift hidden in the struggles of parenting.
For all the parents, it is the same. When our kids are born, none of us know what their special skills might be (maybe other than those who have done a genetic test), nobody knows where they will struggle and where they will shine.
Parents, performing the most important role there is, need just that – the ability to hang on to the belief their kids hold a gift that only needs the right support from their parents to bring it to life.
To do just that, I want to invite you to come along for my next parenting workshop on the 14th of March in Upper Mt Gravatt (if you live too far away from Brisbane to attend, I will be happy to run it closer to you, so please let me know you are interested).
In this full-day workshop, you can become an empowered parent and learn some simple, practical parenting skills for being your kids’ very own life coach and guiding them to success and happiness. Your kids will thank you for it!
Better yet, this workshop is called Happy Parents Raise Happy Kids, because when you focus on your own happiness, the rest flows naturally, especially your parenting. Being at home, close to your kids, your positive attitude and relationship skills will then make you incredibly valuable to them. As a role model of happiness for your kids, you will send them by far the strongest message you could ever send and it will sure feel great!
This popular parenting workshop will be delivered on Sunday, 14 March 2010 from 9am to 4:30pm at Southern Cross Sports Club on Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, QLD. Free parking, refreshments and lunch are included plus many valuable resources and a workbook full of inspiration and practical tips.
There are only 25 seats available, so hurry up and register today!
See you there,
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