Hello, everyone. Ronit has asked me (Gal) to contribute to “Family Matters” from time to time. I am honored and this is my first contribution. I hope you like (as Borat says “I like! Very nice!”).
In the past few months, I have been observing our little daughter Noff (“Dad, I’m not little. I’m nearly 7!”) attempting handstands and cartwheels. When Noff develops a skill, it is a fascinating lesson in focus and determination.
About a year ago, she went through the same process until she mastered hula hoops and became the center of attention at various outings. Sometime after that, she discovered our digital camera and gradually learned how to take excellent photos and produce interesting video clips, some of which show mainly her…
She starts by getting an idea into her head, usually after seeing someone she looks up to do it. Because she likes the idea and initially wants to impress someone with her abilities, her motivation is all set.
Next, she simply starts to practice, and she practices every minute she can. If she is done getting ready for school, she steps up to the mirror and does some handstands.
As soon as she has finished her dinner, she walks up to the mirror again (it is right next to our dinner table, so there is always the added bonus of having an eager group of spectators, cheering her on) and does some more handstands.
The other day, she told me all her friends had gone and done something without her during one of the breaks at school. “So what did you do?”, I asked. “I did handstands”, she answered, her tone implying, “What else did you think, Dad?”
Do you think she got better? You bet!
Do you think she had some challenges, falls, awkward landings and the likes? Sure she did, but did she give up?
No way! She kept learning and learning from every little thing, improving her balance and control with every handstand, until she managed to stand on her hands for a second, to our loud and excited screams of pride.
I find my little girl a source of enormous inspiration when she does this. She is a treasure for me as an adult, having lost that skill of pure focus and unwavering determination.
Whenever I see her going at something again and again, how can I not learn from her example and do the same with my work, my relationships, my skills, my hobbies?
Thank God for little kids, looking at everything with virgin eyes and showing us the way (back).
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