Unlike what the title suggests, most people in the world believe that Friday the 13th is a scary combination. Most people believe that if the 13th falls on Friday, bad things will happen. Believe it or not, believing in it makes it true.
The belief about this unfortunate combination is so widely spread there are many buildings in the world without a 13th floor, people do not go to work on Friday the 13th and in USA alone, over 21 million people who fear it do not go to work, do not sign contracts and do not schedule any important event on this day.
Research done in England had found that, although people do tend to stay at home on Friday 13th for fear of bad luck, there are more accidents on the road. Surprise, surprise, most of the accidents happen to people who believed something would happen to them. In other words, if people believe something bad will happen on Friday the 13th, they suffer from anxiety and this affects their judgment and increases their chances of having an accident by 52%!
The origin of the belief is very old and the main reason we cannot tell the exact source is because there were also many old traditions believing that Friday the 13th is actually a lucky combination.
The old Egyptians believed life was a spiritual journey with 12 levels. The 13th level was the transformation to an eternal state of life. When people died on the 13th level, they became superior and would live forever.
The ancients Germans believed that Friday was a lucky day, especially for marriage, because they believed it was the day of Venus, goddess of love and beauty.
In the Jewish tradition, Friday was and still a special day since God created man on Friday. Together with symbols of love and beauty in the Jewish tradition, people who die on Friday get a special mention as holy people. 13 is the age boys become man, there are 13 months in the Hebrew year (7 times out of 20) and 13 is the numeric equivalent to the Hebrew words “one” and “love”.
Even in Tarot cards, the number 13, while symbolizing an ending, it also indicates a new beginning.
What beliefs do you have?
People adopt beliefs from their close surrounding as they grow up. Parents, close relatives and teachers are the most influential people in everyone’s life. Beliefs regarding special dates have a huge influence on people’s fears and behaviors and when kids are exposed to them, they will adopt them long before they are able to verify them. If Mom and Dad think there is spirituality on Friday the 13th, the kids will adopt this belief and have a better feeling about doing things on that day. If Mom and Dad think there is bad luck on Friday the 13th, the kids will adopt this believe just as readily and have fears associated with that day. The credibility of each of these beliefs is irrelevant.
As a parent, the main question you should ask yourself is “Which belief is better for my kids to have?” Knowing kids will believe anything you tell them and live by their beliefs, ask yourself if it is better to believe in good luck or bad luck.
Here are some ideas of good luck you can teach your kids. Remember, kids will believe anything you tell them. Even if you say something jokingly, they will smile and laugh, but deep inside, they will remember it every time it comes up.
I learned about the power of the self fulfilling prophecy from my mom, who grew up in a place where superstitious beliefs were transferred from mother to daughter, from father to son, although nobody knew their origins. Even when circumstances changed (like when people started flying in airplanes) and the beliefs were not relevant anymore, these people carried them over to the new circumstances. For them, those stories of magic were beyond life that no one ever questioned, but everyone adopted as part of daily life.
How to give your kids great beliefs
When my kids were born, I said to myself, “Why fight it? Isn’t it better to use beliefs to my advantage? If kids believe everything I tell them about luck, I will tell them every possible belief to convince them they are the luckiest kids in the world”.
Here are only some of the examples I have used over the years:
- When Eden was about 5 years old, I bought her a special stone as a necklace and told her this is her lucky stone. Every time she felt she needed more confidence, she used to wear it – it worked magic.
- Since my kids were babies, I have told them that if an eyelash falls, they can make a wish while they blow it away and their wish will be granted – it still works today.
I support the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and their quest to make kids happy.
- If you find a coin – it is a lucky coin.
- When my kids get hurt or have some pain, I tell them their body is healthy and strong and will heal in no time (and give the place a kiss, because this really helps too).
- When my kids are sick and have fever, I tell them it is wonderful their body is so great it is fighting the bacteria with fever and will get rid of the disease in no time, as long as they drink a lot of water.
- I encourage my kids to pick a lucky number and whenever we see that number, I tell them it is their lucky number.
- There were years when my kids have a lucky shirt or lucky shoes.
- [This one is from my mom] I told my kids that if a bird poops on your head, this will be your lucky day.
- Sometimes, I tell my kids, “Today is your lucky day”.
On New Year’s Eve, I tell my kids that every good thing they do on that day they will do all through the year (this is why people kiss on midnight – it is a sign they will kiss each other the whole year). So I encourage them to laugh, play and do as many good or fun things as they can.
- I have told my kids about the “Genie of the Universe” who says, “Your wish is my command!” to every wish they have and I encourage them to expect good things in life and know the “Genie” will make them come true.
- After learning Reiki, I told my kids they had magic in their hands. When I am hurt, I ask them to touch me and I say, “Wow, this feels so good, like magic”.
There you have it: 13 beliefs of good luck!
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May today will be a happy Friday the 13th for you!