Welcome to the 4th part of Tips for a Stress-Free Lifestyle series. I hope the tips from the previous posts were helpful for you. Remember, all you need is 3-4 tips that will make the difference in your life.
Tip #31: Time for everything
When you do something, focus on doing it. When you eat – eat! When you take a shower – shower, and when you read a book – read a book. When you are on holiday – have fun and focus on having a good time. When you enjoy something and do it 100% instead of doing too many things at the same time, you can significantly decrease your stress levels.
Tip #32: Play Pollyanna often
Pollyanna was a little girl who invented the most beautiful game. Whenever something went wrong, she talked about all the good things she still had. Pollyanna was the ultimate optimist – she used to count her blessings all the time, but especially after something had happened that was particularly bad. So whenever something happens that you are not happy about, play Pollyanna and count your blessings.
Tip #33: Ask questions
There are answers on the other side of questions. If you ask questions, you increase the information available to you before you make a decision. When you have a problem, imagine yourself solving a puzzle, in which every question helps you add one more piece to your ‘life puzzle’.
Tip #34: Learn to say “No”
Many people find it hard to say “No” to things they cannot or do not want to do. This feeling of “I have to do this” creates a lot of stress. If you say “No”, you might lose the other’s friendship, but if you say “Yes”, you lose respect for yourself.
Remember, in the battle between your respect for others and your respect for yourself, YOU should always be the winner. Practice saying “No” when you are asked to do an extra job or when are invited to an event that you do not have the time or the energy for. It is far less stressful in the long run.
Tip #35: Exercising
Exercising is an excellent cure for stress. You can pick any physical activity you like and be active. You can choose a fun sport (like ballroom dancing), a soft sport (like Yoga) or a high-energy sport (like boxing). Any sport that gets you moving is good.
Many people say they do not have time to go to the gym or the money for a personal trainer, but the truth is, you do not need to go to the gym or have to have a personal trainer. You can just use your kids’ skipping rope, walk around the block or hike on the weekend.
Tip #36: Take stretch breaks every hour
Sitting for a long time in one place can create tension. Be conscious of this and stretch once every hour. Go to the toilet, get a drink or say hello to your colleagues in another room. 2-3 minutes of stretching can mean the difference between a stressful and an un-stressful day.
Tip #37: Find a place to relax
Relaxing is a great way to ease your stress. Find a place at home that you can sit down and feel the tension melt away. It can be in the bath, in your bed, in a hammock on your balcony or in your garden. If you do not have such a place at home, create one and use it daily.
Tips #38: Always take a lunch break
Even if you finish your lunch in 3 minutes, take a lunch break. You need the time off to think properly. Go for a walk if you have the time. Do not sit at your desk and eat at the same time. Lunch is meant to get some sugar into your system and to help you rejuvenate for a short time, so use this time effectively.
Tip #39: Yoga
Yoga is an excellent way to relax. If you can register yourself to take a course, great! If you cannot, get a book from the library or search on the Internet for simple yoga techniques to help you relax.
The simplest part of Yoga is the breathing technique. Everyone can do this, and it is short and simple. Inhale through your nose to the count of eight. Exhale slowly to the count of 16. Repeat 10 times.
Tip #40: Have your own deadlines
If you have to submit something and you have a deadline, always have a personal deadline, which takes into consideration “UPEs” (UnPlanned Events). If you have to submit an assignment in 3 weeks, plan to finish it in two weeks.
Even when you think you will have plenty of extra time, give yourself a time buffer. It is better to have extra time to improve than run out of time and feel stressed.
More tips for a stress-free lifestyle coming up in part 5. Come back to read it or subscribe via RSS or email.
Have a stress-free life,
This post is part of the series Tips for a Stress-Free Lifestyle:
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