While I was writing the series, “60 tips for a stress-free lifestyle”, three things happened:
- I realized that there were actually thousands of tips. Every word I say to my clients, every question, every assignment I give them (I am a teachers, I cannot help it), every book I encourage them to read and everything I challenge them to do is meant to lead them towards a stress-free lifestyle.
- Many people use only 3 or 4 techniques from this list and manage to change their life and their attitude towards life immediately. Circle the ones you think you can implement straight away and start moving forward. When you feel calm and happy, it will be much easier to implement the other tips from this list as well.
- Many people then asked me to make one list, so they can print it and go over the tips from time to time. So I decided to make the entire list into one document to make it easier to print out and to quickly refer to, in order to see what you can do now to move forward towards your stress-free lifestyle.
So here it is for your downloading and printing pleasure:
60 Tips for a Stress-Free Lifestyle
I invite you to share your comments and suggest your own tips for a stress-free lifestyle. I am sure every reader would love to get many more tips.
Generally, my blog posts are about stress-free family life, so if you are a parent, come here again to gain more knowledge and understanding about how you can help your family find happiness.
I wish you a wonderful happy stress-free life. Remember:
Happiness is a choice!
Be happy in life,