In Australia, we are halfway through another school holiday season. I love school holidays, even though I finished school many years ago. For parents, the holidays can be a stressful time. Here is an A-to-Z guide of great school holiday activities for kids you can use to make these school holidays a bit easier.
Acting is a very healthy and fun thing for kids to do. Give them opportunities to rehearse a play and present it to you. They can make puppets and use a table as a stage. Be a very supportive audience and encourage them to perfume for you.
Beach is a great place to be in the school holidays and the place for many school holiday activities for kids. Give the kids a ball and some boxes to build sand castles and they will be busy for hours.
Clean the house. This is a great opportunity to do summer cleaning. Who says we can only do it in spring? As long as you weave a fun story about it, your kids will think it’s fun.
DIY projects in the house are great fun. Renovate something around your house or build something with the kids. It will teach them to try new things, to be creative and to cope when things do not always work they way they hoped.
Education does not stop when kids are on holiday. Make sure to use this time to catch up on the things they struggled with during the year. While the other kids are not progressing, it is a great opportunity to catch up.
Fruits in summer are a great treat. Cut up some of your kids’ favorite fruits and leave them in an easy to reach place. Watch them disappear. Some of the best fruits are available in the summer so there are plenty to choose from.
Card Games are a great way to keep the kids busy. A simple card deck can keep them occupied for hours. Join them in a few games. Encourage thinking and strategy games to incorporate mental stimulation with fun.
Hydration is very important in the summer. Did you know that over 95% of all health problems can be solved by drinking enough water? Make sure to drink plenty of water. Research suggests that the optimum about is 1 liter of water for every 22 kg of body weight.
Ice cream is great fun in the summer. I personally love Gelato. You can also try making your own at home.
Jumping rope is an easy way to keep kids active and busy. If your kids are very motivated, challenge them to reach 1000 jumps by the end of summer. Participate as well!
Kite making and kite flying can be very rewarding. Design a kite together. Test it. Look for ways to make it fly higher and last longer.
Learn to do something new. It can be baking, drawing, playing a musical instrument. Any new thing that will stretch your mind is good. This will set a good example for them to challenge themselves with new things.
Movies are great entertainment for the summer holiday. You can go to the cinema or watch them at home with your kids. Make it a family thing.
Night games are fun and perfect for the holidays. Since the kids do not need to get up early for school, you can keep them awake until late with games and activities in the dark. Examples include: taking a shower in the dark, having a sleep over, eating dinner in the dark, playing with shadows, at lots more!
Outdoors holiday activities for kids are essential. Get out of the house and make sure you spend some time in the fresh air. Enjoy the sunshine and connect with nature.
Pools are a must-have summer place for holiday activities for kids. Try the public pool, or get an inflatable for the backyard. This is a fairly cheap activity which is fun for kids and parents.
Quiet time is a much needed thing from time to time. Schedule some quite time to mediate, to relax and just chill.
Reading is a fantastic holiday pastime. It is a great way to make sure the kids keep up with their reading ability during the summer break. The library is a great source of books. Set yourself (and your kids) a goal to read 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Sports holiday activities for kids are healthy for the whole family. You can go hiking together or jog on the beach. We have been giving cycling a try at our house. It is great fun.
Tree houses are a secret place for kids. They will have lots of wonderful memories of having parties and secret meetings in the tree house. If you do not have a good tree to put it in, set it up somewhere around the house. For most kids, a big cardboard box under a blanket or a table will do.
Use the holiday time differently to your normal routine. What is the point of being out of school if it looks and feels exactly the same? Changing your routine can help your kids them enjoy their time off.
Visit friends and invite friends over. This is important for maintaining social skills. Kids are usually happy when their friends are around. They more you invite friends over, the greater the chances of your kids being invited over as well.
Watch how things are done. Go to the farm and learn how to feed the chicks, milk the cows, make cheese and yogurt. If you do not have access to the real thing, go to the internet and learn how things are done. This is the best science lesson out there.
[X is a bit tough, so we’ll give ourselves a bit of a discount here and just find a word with the letter ‘X’ in it] Fix things around the house. Giving your house (or your kids’ bedrooms) a bit of a makeover during the summer school holiday can help you feel new and fresh the start of the new year.
You are the captain of your family ship. Do things for yourself as well. When parents are happy, kids are happy. With all the school holiday activities for kids, remember to keep yourself busy with fun and enjoyable things this school holiday.
The Zoo is a great place for kids. They usually have special school holiday activities for kids during the summer. Your kids can be entertained while learning about animals and the environment.
That is the A-to-Z of school holiday activities for kids. I hope this list makes your summer easier and more enjoyable.
Happy school holidays,
This post is part of the series A-to-Z Guides:
- School Holiday Activities for Kids
- How to Be a Great Teacher (A to K)
- How to Be a Great Teacher (L to T)
- How to Be a Great Teacher (U to Z)
- How to Have a Happy Life
- Start Your Happiness Journey