The end of the year is fast approaching. It has been another full year and it looks like it is going to end with some great changes for us. My family and I are going on a fantastic holiday just before Eden, my eldest, moves in with her fiancé and begins preparations for their wedding in 2015.
As at the end of every year, I am writing a summary of our adventures for the year and our direction for the next year. Here is my summary for 2014 with my wishes for happy holidays and a happy 2015.
2014 has been a very full and active year for the Be Happy in LIFE family. Our children have enjoyed a great year and we had lots of opportunities for pride therapy.
Noff finished Year 8 and did amazing things this year including singing, drama, dancing, trampoline, ice-skating, leadership training and even got an academic excellence award for 2014. She is still our cake-decorating artist and is very creative. She spent lots of her time drawing this year. I wish I could share it with you but she insists on keeping it in the family.
Tsoof started working on his next production and recorded two new videos. He performed at many festivals and taught at two schools and the local community centre. He has been writing music and even sold his first composition. Now at the end of his third year of university, his end of year recital was amazing. We sat in the audience, proud as peacocks thinking to ourselves, “He is ours.” He started going to the gym and has been spending time reading some personal development books. He has been very reflective lately and it has been interesting to discuss it with him. It is amazing that even when your parents are life coaches, you still have to take that journey of self-discovery. We hope it only means it will be easier for him in the future.
Eden finished her master’s degree in social work and is now officially the person with the highest degree in our family. She was accepted to yet another master’s program, this time in Clinical Psychology. It was a long deliberation process, but we were very happy when she finally accepted the offer. She still dances and goes to ice skating with Noff. This year, she and her boyfriend Sandy decided to tighten their relationship and we are very glad that Sandy is going to be part of our family very soon. We are very happy they found each other glad for their decision (and we can hardly wait for them starting working on making us grandbabies).
2014 was a very successful year for Gal and his online marketing consulting. He made some changes in his practice in 2014 and lifted his profile as a WordPress expert. He has some very devoted clients and their websites are selling beautifully thanks to his work and we hope 2015 will be as successful.
I had a great year with many new clients who made extraordinary changes in their lives. My life coaching site got a major revamp (thanks to Gal) and is doing very well, bringing me fantastic and dedicated clients who achieve a lot in a very short time (even some brave souls who travel from the other side of Australia for a session).
My book “Motivating Kids” is in its final production stage. We had some challenges with the graphic designer and had to start again from scratch, but it should be ready for purchase in 2015. My next “how to” book for parents of teens is now in editing and should be ready for you to buy in mid-2015 (these are 2 of my goals for 2015).
I also conducted some fantastic workshops and presentations for big organizations, which I love very much. I am looking forward to a very exciting 2015.
2015 Goals
Goals are a great way to make sure you achieve things throughout the year. For a year to be successful, we must first want to achieve things, and the more the better! I highly recommend this process of making a list and keeping it in a safe place until next year.
Family Matters and the Be Happy in LIFE family will be taking a few weeks off over the holiday season. See you all back here in January for a new year of parenting and personal development topics.
Wishing you happy holidays and a happy 2015!