If your teenager has just started driving, you must be feeling just like me about teen driving – worried. My son Tsoof got his driving license this year. He is a very calm and relaxed driver, he does not drink and does not drive at night very often.
Still, if he comes home from a party late at night, I get a bit worried. Why? Because other teens his age, who are on the road at the same time, are also driving.
This is not a very productive feeling to have as a parent. After all, we must empower our teens to be responsible and safe on the road and not scare them that “driving = danger”.
Recently, I saw an infographic about teen driving. It had some tips for parents to make sure their kids do not end up as one of the teen driving statistics. Even though the information is about teen driving in America, I am sure it is relevant to many other countries around the world. The creator of this infographic is Phillip Miller. I hope you find some insight in it, like I did.
Safe teen driving!