We would all love to have stress-free kids, but we don’t. In fact, most parents today are stressed about their children’s stress level, which is a Catch 22.
My philosophy is that what we feel as parents is projected onto our children through very sophisticated neural mirroring functions that we all have. So stressed parents raise stressed kids, and when kids are feeling anxious or stressed, we feel even more stressed. This is a never-ending vicious cycle.
I think high emotional intelligence is the cure for stress and parents need to focus on increasing their own emotional intelligence and that of their children.
You are probably asking yourself, “What is the connection between emotional intelligence and stress-free kids?”
Stress, Stress, go away. Don’t come back another day!
High emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize our own feelings and manage them. So if our children recognize our stress, they can learn ways to deal with this situation and can grow up without taking our feelings on themselves.
As hard as it is to admit, our children are stressed due to their relationships, schooling, academic achievements, digital connections, peer pressure and intense exposure to the media. This is part of their everyday life, and as their parents, we need to seek alternative ways to medication in order to switch this pressure off.
There are many ways to ease stress, like mindfulness, color therapy, storytelling, journaling, neuro-linguistic programming and many more. Parents can learn these ways and use them to help their children manage stressful situations and blossom.
Stress-Free Kids Telesummit
My friend Sree Meleth has put together an interview series focused on raising stress-free kids. As a parent and grandparent herself, Sree has learned that the biggest gift we can give our children is confidence in their own inner resources. She has gathered a group of experts who have spent decades helping children and parents deal with the issues of stress and anxiety in natural, powerful ways. She is passionate about working to raise a generation of stress-proof kids.
I am honored and excited that I am one of the experts she has interviewed. This is a free “telesummit”, available for a limited time. So sign up for “Raise Stress-Proof Kids” now. You can hear many experts in the field from around the world and get amazing tips for successfully raising stress-free kids in a stressful world.
Check it out!
When you click the link, you will see a registration page, where you can sign up. Again, this is a free telesummit and it is a great opportunity to learn lots about raising happy and stress-free kids. This is a unique opportunity and from what I understand, it will not be available for long.
Sign up for Raise Stress-Proof Kids: How to Teach Children to Recognize and Relieve Stress, and Live Happy, Successful Lives.
Wishing you lots of learning from the experts and happy parenting,