It is amazing how many people struggle with life. Life has become so hectic and difficult for most people that many can only focus on what is going to happen today, tomorrow, next month and maybe, only maybe, next year.
I think if we were to scan people’s brains, we would find that their brains are busy, busy, busy, thinking about things like the dishes, the bills, the alarm clock and shopping, with only small breaks for planning for something like next month’s birthday party. People like this are in survival mode.
When I ask people about their plans for next month or next year, or even what they think is going to happen in ten years, they look at me as if I have fallen from the sky. They say things like, “Ronit, you are nuts. There are so many things we need to sort out now that we do not have time to think about next year,” and so life passes by and is taken over by things like, the council rates, lunch boxes and stress.
Wake up people! Can you understand why you feel your life is out of control? You are missing the “business plan” of the company called “My Life”.
In business, nine out of ten new businesses close down within the first year. In the “business called Life”, 96% of people declare themselves bankrupt at some stage in their lives, while the other 4% enjoy abundance and prosperity.
Doesn’t this sound depressing? If you had known before you brought your kids into this life that they only had a 4% chance of succeeding, would you not feel depressed?
Chances vs. Choices
Some look at life and say, “I have a 96% chance of losing”, and so they have already placed themselves on the losing side. The other 4% say, “I have a 4% chance at success”, and sure enough, they will make it. You see, in life, we get what we focus on.
“Luck” was invented by emotionally poor people.
At the end of 10th Grade, just before I made the choice to move to the winning side, my teacher gave each of us a colourful page with a poem on it about “The man who thinks he can”. It was her farewell gift to us, and she probably never knew how precious her gift was to me.
The Man Who Thinks He Can
Waler D. Wintle
If you think you’re beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you’d like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;
For out in the world we find
Success being with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you’re outclassed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself
Before you can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But soon or late, the one who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
In the years before, when I was still living in emotional poverty, I had no idea what it took for people to be on the losing side and what made it possible for others to be on the winning side. Like many other people, I thought you were either born to a smart, wealthy family or you were not. Pure luck!
However, when I read this poem, something happened to me, and I have since realized the difference between the two.
Life is not about what happens to us, but about what we choose to do with it. People are what they think they are . If they believe life is pure luck, then they feel out of control and life becomes a system of “trial and error.” If they believe it is pure choice, then they move to the successful side of life and take control of their own destiny.
I have made the choice to be one of the 4%. It took me less than 6 months to prepare the new sign on my “business” window and to reopen it “under new management”, full of responsibility and determination, presenting myself as the CEO of my new company called, “My LIFE”.
Business called life tutorial
- Whether to be “in business” or not is not your choice. You are alive, so you are “in business” . It is a long ride, so make the best of it. We are all going to get to the finish line. The only question is, “Are we going to get there as a winner or a loser?”
- Once you are in the “business of life”, you need to make a choice as to which path you wish to take: the path of the 96% or the path of the 4%. Yes, within the choice is all the power. Choose wisely.
By the way, not choosing is also a choice. If you choose to be in the 96%, that is fine as long as you do not complain that you are there. - Get rid of the word “luck”. Life is not a lottery game, in which only 4% buy the winning tickets. The 4% never buy a lottery ticket, because wisdom and wealth cannot be bought with a lottery ticket, they can only be achieved with determination and perseverance.
- You are the CEO of your “business” . You are the only possible manager of your “business”. Take full responsibility: blaming or justifying is only going to get you closer to the closing date. As a CEO, you will have many jobs in life, and you will be forced to make hard decisions. Do not try to avoid them, because they are part of your job description.
Start with a business plan . At every age and under all circumstances, there is always a place for a business plan. Think about the things you want to achieve in your life. Dream, and remember, if you are one of the 4%, your dreams will become your reality. However, if you are one of the 96%, your dreams are nothing but “wishful sinking”.- Take care of your health , if you are sick, there is no one to run your “business” for you. In the “business” called “life”, you cannot call up any manager and “pull a sickie” (call in sick). When you are sick, the office is closed. Surprise, surprise, the 4% have their “office” open most days of the year (they do get sick, but they do not close the business very often because of it).
- The “Life business” is a sole operator business . You can have many associates, suppliers and customers that will influence it greatly. Some of the associates will be very close to you and some will not. Choose your associates well . Pick the ones that support the line of business you are in.
- When you bring kids into the world, you hand them a ” franchise “. Make sure you give them a good “franchise”, with good stock and a good business plan and support them until their “business” is successful and independent. Do not be too possessive regarding your “franchises”. All “franchises” needs to be adjusted to suit their new owners.
- Every “business” needs to operate on a budget. Learn good money management. Learning math and learning money is not the same. When you are supporting your “franchises”, make sure they learn how to make, save and manage money in a way that brings success. You can start on this the minute they learn to count.
Have a yearly stock take (birthdays are good stock take moments). Go over all the things you have done during the year and identify the activities that brought you profit. Get rid of the activities that brought you loss. Assess your profit and loss statement and make new plans for the following year. Of course, update your business plan.- Networking is the heart of every successful “business” . Learn to network with other “businesses”. Make networking an integral part of your business plan and dedicate time to it in your schedule.
- Try to avoid hanging around unsuccessful “businesses” . They usually require lots of energy from others around them and they can drag you down with them.
- On the same note, study other successful “businesses” and discover the different practices used by them that you may adopt to help you succeed. Visit the library and borrow the biographies of successful people in business. Ask successful “business” owners whom you appreciate for advice and help. Successful “business” owners are always happy to help.
- There will be ups and downs in every “business”. Life is a business that never ends, so keep moving forward! When it seems too hard to bare, remember, this too shall pass! Keep looking to the future. Everything will be OK in the end, and if it is not OK, it is not the end.
- All “business” owners need some time off. Employees gets evenings, weekends and holidays in every year of work. Their holidays are part of their work contract. In the “business of life”, your sleep and your rest is your only time off . Do not work yourself to death or try to “steal” time from yourself. Even the beauty of music depends on the spaces between the notes .
The success of every “business” also depends on the ability of its people to manage their time efficiently . If you want to have an efficient “business”, study time management. The 96% and the 4% have the same 24 hours in a day. They just choose to use them differently.- People like working in a workplace that is comfortable and with a good atmosphere. Make sure you have a nice working place. You need to establish a workplace that is comfortable and that has a good atmosphere . Aim to be an model “business” that everyone would like to learn from.
- In every business, there are recessions and difficult times that may be caused by external factors. Ask other “businesses” for help . You can count on them also asking for your help sometime later. You may be surprised to find out that your “franchises” can also be a wonderful source of help.
- Every “business” has value to give to others. In the “business of life”, what you think and do is the value you give to all those around you. Dedicate effort and time to working on your products and services: your thoughts and actions . They are the source of your profit and wealth.
- For a “business” to succeed, it needs to bring joy to its owner somehow. If work is no fun, the employees will leave the work place. Bring joy into your life . Make sure you do a happy, joyous, fun thing every day of your life. And remember: Happiness is a choice!
Welcome to the “Business of your Life”. I wish you success and prosperity!