Life is full of stress and it can be hard to achieve peace of mind. Many people don’t even remember the last time they felt at peace.
Life coaching helps people understand that peace and stress are in our mind and we can control them by changing what we think. Once we understand that we are what we think, we can change our life by choosing to think other things.
Here are 10 quotes that can be adopted as life philosophies. With these philosophies, we can manage tough times, we can be happy and relaxed, avoid stress, be successful and take control over our life, rather than feel that life is happening to us and we are at the mercy of our circumstances.
Happiness is a choice!
This is the motto that I chose to live by at the age of 16 and that turned my life around. Think about it. It seems heavy, but it is powerful. I control my feelings, I control my life and I control my destiny if I believe that happiness is mine and within my reach. I Highly recommend this philosophy.
Be yourself!
This is not easy, especially in a society that encourages us believe that we are what others want us to be or that we should aim to fit in and please others. Being us is a guarantee that we’ll do what is good for us and not live in a fear of disappointing others. I have dedicated a whole book to this. You may want to read it for extra inspiration.
This too shall pass
This philosophy is a weapon against heartache and pain. When things are hard, remember they will not last forever. Sometimes time is the healer. Use it when needed. Read my post King Solomon’s Ring for more.
Live life with no guilt
Guilt takes you backward. You do the best you can at every point in time, so accept the outcomes and move on. Don’t hurt yourself with guilt. It is a pain that you cause yourself, so stop it NOW!
Don’t worry
Most people think that worrying is insurance. It’s not! It only makes things you wish to avoid happen faster. When we are worried, we cannot think clearly. Learn how to stay away from worrying and enjoy life. Worrying only makes you good at worrying and brings more worries into your life. Don’t give it any room in your life.
Anger and resentment are poisons that clutter your mind and spirit. We need to forgive not for others but for ourselves. Most of all, we forgive ourselves for feeling that way about others in the first place.
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Fear is debilitating and if you think that successful people are not afraid, you are wrong. They are afraid, but they do things in spite of their fear. We should not avoid the fear, it is better to acknowledge it and not allow it paralyze you.
Value your time
Time is free, but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it, but you can use it.
You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.
Harvey Mackay
Time is priceless. Ask every person who is dying and he will tell you its value.
Learn to manage your time well. Use it wisely. It will give you an advantage over all those who are wasting it on things that contribute nothing to their life.
Set goals
Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals
Goals are a driving force. They allow us to move forward and make life happen to our advantage.
When you get up in the morning, have a goal! When you are going into a conversation with someone, have a goal. When you go to work, have a goal! Soon, you will find that life is happening more and more like you want it to.
Be grateful
Appreciation of life brings us more of the good things in life. Make sure you find something to be grateful for every day. Never take life for granted. Never take your health, your relationships, your feelings, your skills and your efforts for granted. Being in a state of gratitude brings us more to enjoy in life.
Above all, be happy!