Many people will tell you that if you want a better life, you have to be different. You should think differently and avoid being “just like everyone else”. Being part of the majority is not appealing at all, because most people struggle with their daily life, while they dream of a better life.
One way of getting ahead is keeping an open mind and allowing yourself to think “outside the box”. In other words, be creative to get ahead. I truly believe that everyone has a creative side, but most people can only access it when they relax.
Here is a beautiful quote that I think is very relevant:
The mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it’s open
Albert Einstein / Frank Zappa / Charlie Chan
Wow! So true.
We want to be creative because it makes us very good at solving problems. Creativity makes us find efficient ways to do things. It makes us attractive to others, turns us into entrepreneurs and allows us to express ourselves better. Creativity helps us relieve stress, builds our confidence and more.
If you are willing to do something that might not work, you are closer to being an artist
Seth Godin
Everyone can be creative
Creativity is not something that works like a lightbulb that suddenly shines. Yes, this is a nice metaphor that we like to use, but it makes people think that if they don’t have those “lightbulb moments”, they are not creative. I’ve heard the statement “I’m not creative” so many times from people who thought of creativity as fate.
Creativity was always a big part of my life. I started writing stories when I was 12 years old and published poems in a collection of young poets when I was 16. It gave me a lot, and I was lucky enough to use my creative outlet professionally and publish my books.
Someone (not Confucius) once said:
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life
I’m a lucky person and not only in writing. I use my creativity as a parent and my kids are great. I use creativity as a life coach to come up with new ways of doing things based on the client’s unique needs.
For me, creativity is a mindset. Years ago, when I had to write a list of my fears, I realized that one of my biggest fears was losing my creativity.
Creativity is a way to do lots of good in the world on a personal level, and even on a global level. Just watch TED talks to see how creative people make the world a better place.
Again, I think we are born creative and most people do not tap into that ability and do not benefit from this gift they already have. Mostly, this is due to tough life circumstances.
The good news is that creativity is there in all of us, and we can awaken it. We just need to know how.
Creativity is intelligence having fun
Albert Einstein
Breakthrough to Creativity
Recently, I took part in a series of online “master classes”, hosted by Jean Ireton, who is a creative person herself. Jean interviewed more than 20 experts on their personal and professional experience of how to harness creativity and apply it to reaching goals.
As you all know, I’m a life coach, and I believe that goals are very important (I hope you do too). Some of the talks are more business oriented, and some are more personal, but all of them include great strategies to help you bring your creativity to fruition and give you practical tools and resources to make it happen.
Some of the topic covered are:
- How to tap into your intuition and appreciate your unique talents
- Challenge your preconceived ideas about money and success
- Reconnect with your body to overcome creative blockages
- Practical and current marketing advice
- Your creative practice – how to develop and honor it
The summit is called Breakthrough to Creativity: How to Unblock your Creative Flow and Get Paid for Your Natural Gifts and Talents and it is FREE. The master classes begin on April 1st 2019, and you can register for free right here.
When you register, you also get some free gifts from the various experts, including me, so register now to reserve your place and your gifts.
Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics
Victor Pinchuk
Be creative and get ahead!